Вот список вузов по дивизионам на данный момент. |
East-Central Africa Division (ECD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Butembo, Nord Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo | Adventist University at Lukanga | | Nairobi, Kenya | Adventist University of Africa | www.aua.adventist.org | Kigali, Rwanda | Adventist University of Central Africa | | Kampala, Uganda | Bugema University | www.bugemauniv.ac.ug | Shashamane, Ethiopia | Ethiopia Adventist College | | Usa River, via Arusha, Tanzania | The University of Arusha | | Eldoret, Kenya | University of Eastern Africa Baraton | www.ueab.ac.ke | |
Euro-Africa Division (EUD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | St. Peter am Hart, Austria | Bogenhofen Seminary | www.bogenhofen.at | Sofia, Bulgaria | Bulgarian Theological Seminary | http://sdabg-college.org | Friedensau, Germany | Friedensau Adventist University | www.thh-friedensau.de | Florence, Italy | Italian Adventist College “Villa Aurora” | www.villaaurora.it | Braila, Romania | Romanian Adventist College of Nursing | | Ilfov, Romania | Romanian Adventist Theological Institute | www.institutadventist.ro | Collonges-sous-Saleve, France | Saleve Adventist University | www.campusadventiste.edu | Sazava, Czech Republic | Sazava Theological Seminary | www.ts.casd.cz | Sagunto, Valencia, Spain | Spanish Adventist Seminary | www.seades.com | |
Euro-Asia Division (ESD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Bucha, Kiev Region, Ukraine | Ukrainian Institute of Arts and Sciences | | Zaoksky , Tula Region, Russian Federation | Zaoksky Adventist University | www.zau.ru | |
Inter-American Division (IAD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico | Antillean Adventist University | www.uaa.edu | Alajuela, Costa Rica | Central American Adventist University | www.unadeca.ac.cr | Medellin, Colombia | Colombia Adventist University | www.unac.edu.co | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Dominican Adventist University | www.unad.edu.do | Port-au-Prince, Haiti | Haitian Adventist University | www.universiteadventistehaiti.com | Miami, Florida | Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary | | Chiapas, Mexico | Linda Vista University | www.ulv.edu.mx | Montemorelos, Mexico | Montemorelos University | www.um.edu.mx | Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico | Navojoa University | www.unav.edu.mx | Mandeville, Jamaica | Northern Caribbean University | www.ncu.edu.jm | Port-of-Spain, Trinidad | University of The Southern Caribbean | http://usc.edu.tt | Yaracuy, Codigo, Venezuela | Venezuelan Adventist University | www.iunav.tec.ve | |
North American Division (NAD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Berrien Springs, Michigan | Andrews University | www.andrews.edu | So. Lancaster, Massachusetts | Atlantic Union College | www.atlanticuc.edu | Lacombe, Alberta, Canada | Canadian University College | www.cauc.ca | Takoma Park, Maryland | Washington Adventist University | www.wau.edu | Orlando, Florida | Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences | www.fhchs.edu | Silver Spring, Maryland | Griggs University | www.griggs.edu | Kettering, Ohio | Kettering College of Medical Arts | www.kcma.edu | Riverside, California | La Sierra University | www.lasierra.edu | Loma Linda, California | Loma Linda University | www.llu.edu | Huntsville, Alabama | Oakwood University | www.oakwood.edu | Angwin, California | Pacific Union College | www.puc.edu | Collegedale, Tennessee | Southern Adventist University | www.southern.edu | Keene, Texas | Southwestern Adventist University | www.swau.edu | Lincoln, Nebraska | Union College | www.ucollege.edu | College Place, Washington | Walla Walla University | www.wallawalla.edu | |
Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong | Hong Kong Adventist College | www.hkac.edu | Seoul, Korea | Sahmyook Health College | | Seoul, Korea | Sahmyook University | www.syu.ac.kr | Chiba-ken, Japan | Saniku Gakuin College | www.saniku.ac.jp | Nantou County, Taiwan | Taiwan Adventist College | www.sdatac.org.tw | |
South American Division (SAD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Cochabamba, Bolivia | Bolivia Adventist University | www.uab.edu.bo | Engenheiro Coelho, Hortolandia, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Brazil Adventist University ( three campuses) | www.unasp.edu.br | Chillan, Chile | Chile Adventist University | www.unach.cl | Pichincha, Ecuador | Ecuador Adventist Superior Technical Institute | www.cade.edu.eu | Lavras, MG, Brazil | Minas Gerais Adventist Institute | www.iaemg.org.br | Brasilia, DF, Brazil | Latin-American Adventist Theological Seminary | | Cachoeira, BA, Brazil | Northeast Brazil College | www.adventista.edu.br | Misiones, Argentina | Northern Argentina Adventist Institute | | Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina | Parana Adventist Institute | | Nana, Lima; Juliaca, Puno; Morelos, Tarapoto; Peru | Peruvian Union University (three campuses) | www.epeu.edu.pe | Entre Rios, Argentina | River Plate Adventist University | www.uap.edu | |
South Pacific Division (SPD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Cooranbong, N.S.W. Australia | Avondale College Limited | www.avondale.edu.au | Suva, Fiji | Fulton College | | Boroko, Papua New Guinea | Pacific Adventist University | www.pau.ac.pg | Kokopo, Papua New Guinea | Sonoma Adventist College | | |
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Antsirabe, Madagascar | Adventist University Zurcher | | Cape, South Africa | Helderberg College | www.hbc.ac.za | Bulawayo, Zimbabwe | Solusi University | www.solusi.ac.zw | Monze, Zambia | Zambia Adventist University | | |
Southern Asia Division (SUD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Andhra Pradesh, India | Flaiz Adventist College | | Bangalore, Karnataka, India | Lowry Adventist College | www.lowryinstitutions.com | Surat, Gujarat, India | METAS of Seventh-day Adventist College | www.metas.sda.org | Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya,India | Northeast Adventist College | | Roorkee, India | Roorkee Adventist College | www.rac.org.in | Pune, India | Spicer Memorial College | www.spicermemorialcollege.com | |
Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Silang, Cavite, Philippines | Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | www.aiias.edu | Silang, Cavite, Philippines | Adventist University of the Philippines | www.aup.edu.ph | P.O.Gowalbathan, District Gazipur, Bangladesh | Bangladesh Adventist Seminary and College | | Negros Occidental,Philippines | Central Philippine Adventist College | www.cpac.edu.ph | Bandung, Java, Indonesia | Indonesia Adventist University | www.unai.edu | Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia | Klabat University | www.unklab.ac.id | Manila, Philippines | Manila School of Medical Arts | www.mamc-sma.org | Iligan City, Philippines | Mindanao Sanitarium and Hospital College | | Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand | Mission College | www.missioncollege.edu | Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines | Mountain View College | www.mvc.edu.ph | Myaungmya, Myanmar | Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary | | Naga City, Philippines | Naga View Adventist College | | Pangasinan, Philippines | Northern Luzon Adventist College | www.nlac.edu.ph | Penang, Malaysia | Penang Adventist College of Nursing | www.pah.com.my | Davao del Sur, Philippines | South Philippine Adventist College | www.spac.edu.ph | Sumatra Utara, Indonesia | Surya Nusantara Adventist College | | |
Trans-European Division (TED) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Marusevec, Croatia | Adriatic Union College | www.adventist.hr | Belgrade, Serbia | Belgrade Theological Seminary | www.tfb.edu.yu | Pecel, Hungary | Hungarian Theological Seminary | www.atf.adventista.hu | Beirut, Lebanon | Middle East University | www.meu.edu.lb | Berkshire, England | Newbold College | www.newbold.ac.uk | Punjab, Pakistan | Pakistan Adventist Seminary | www.pasc.edu.pk | Podkowa Lesna, Poland | Polish Senior College of Theology | www.wsth.pl | |
West-Central Africa Division (WAD) |
Location | Institution | Web Address | Yaounde, Cameroon | Adventist University Cosendai | | Ogun State, Nigeria | Babcock University | www.babcockuni.edu.ng | Airport-Accra, Ghana | Valley View University | www.vvu.edu.gh | |